Price Guide

Get started with Blackfields Solicitors


Probate is  the word normally used to describe the legal and financial processes involved in dealing with the property, money and possessions (called the assets) of a person who has died.

Probate is the process of proving that a will is valid (if there is one) and confirming who has authority to administer the estate of the person who has died.

Before the next of kin or executor named in the will can claim, transfer, sell or distribute any of the deceased's assets they might have to apply for a grant of probate.

A grant of probate is a legal document that's sometimes needed to access bank accounts, sell assets and settle debts after someone has died.

This document is only called a grant of probate if the person left a will. If they didn't leave a will, a grant of letters of administration is used instead. Both documents work in much the same way, giving a named person legal authority to deal with the estate of the person who died.

When probate has been granted, the next of kin or the executor can start to deal with the deceased person’s assets. If there was a will, this sets out how the assets should be distributed. If the person died without a will the law determines who should receive everything. See probate without a will for more information.

Our guide to costs below applies where there is no dispute between any parties or a dispute or claim against the estate of the deceased or the assets within the Estate of the deceased. The guide to costs does not take into account the sale or transfer of any property within the Estate.

Our charges for Probate vary due to the individual circumstances of each Estate, and our fees are charged on an hourly basis at the current rate of £260 per hour plus VAT.

Probate can be divided into two parts:

  1. Pre-Grant: Work that is carried up to and including getting the grant of probate, which entails getting information about the composition of the Estate the value of the assets and liabilities and the beneficiaries of that Estate. 
  1. Post-Grant: Work where the assets are collected, sold if necessary, distributing money or assets to beneficiaries, paying liabilities, finalising the Estate Account, tax returns are made and tax paid:

Our charges:

The average costs of our fees for probate are as follow:

Low Complex matter – fees range from £3000 - £10000- These are exclusive of VAT at the rate of 20%

Medium Complex Matter – fees range from £10000 - £20000 exclusive of VAT @20%

High Complex Matter – fees range from £20,000 - £30000 exclusive of VAT @ 20%

The above figures are meant to serve as a guide only. You should call us to discuss your matter.

Disbursements Rates and Vat

Please note that the above fees are exclusive of all disbursements. Most disbursements are exclusive of VAT. The VAT rate is 20%. We do not add VAT to disbursements, this would have already been added by a third party. The type of disbursements you will likely incur are as follow:

Tracing fees – range £200 to £500 plus VAT @ 20%

Advertisement in the Newspaper fees range from £50.00 - £600 plus VAT @ 20% – depending on the paper

Probate Registration Application fees -£215.00 [No Vat]

HMLR office copy entries £3.00 [No Vat]

Inheritance Tax Fees

Please note that there are other disbursements to be incurred which are not listed here.


Review of the will (or of the application of the intestacy rules where there is no valid will) to identify those who are entitled to be executor or administrator and to identify any potential issues that may prevent or delay the grant of probate.

Verifying the nature and probate value of the relevant assets and liabilities required to make the application.

Computation of the inheritance tax due, including quantifying the first instalment of such tax.

Completing the relevant inheritance tax forms and submitting them to you for signature.

Submitting the signed inheritance tax forms to HMRC.

Preparing and submitting the application to the Probate Registry for the grant.

Applying to the Probate Registry on your behalf.

Realising assets where necessary and instructed to do so, including instructing any relevant third parties.

Advice on tracing any beneficiary named in the will.

Settling liabilities and administration expenses.

Advising on and settling inheritance tax liability in the administration period.

Preparing and obtaining the approval of the estate accounts.

Distributing the assets (or their proceeds) in accordance with the terms of the will.


This usually depends on the complexity of the matter. The matter can take between 3 to 12 months , and it may take longer in some cases.


Name: Mr Victor Adeniyi    Over 12 years PQE 

Rate: £260:00 p/h plus Vat @20% 


Our fees

The fees that we charge cover all of the work required to complete the purchase of your new home, dealing with the registration at the Land Registry and also dealing with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax if the property is in England or Land Transaction Tax if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.

Our fees also depend on the complexity of your matter, and the value of your property. All fees attract VAT @20% at the current rate and disbursements.

Sale and Purchase cost plus VAT [ our fees]


Under £500,000

£1200.00 [plus VAT @ 20% = 1440.00]

£501,000 to £600,000  - £1300.00 [plus VAT @ 20% =1560.00]

£601,000 to £700,000  - £1400.00[plus VAT @ 20%=1680.00]

£701,000 to £800,000  - £1500.00 [plus VAT @ 20% = 1800.00]

£801,000 to £900,000 - £1800.00[plus VAT @ 20%= 2160.00]

£901,000 to 1000000  - £2400.00 [plus VAT @ 20%=2880.00]

£1,001,000 and above

Please call us for an estimate.

We also charge for remitting funds by telegraphic transfer at £17 plus VAT (at 20%) for each transfer and £30.00 plus VAT (at 20%) per person checked for ID and/or source of funds.


Under £500,000 - £1500.00 [plus VAT @ 20% = £1800.00]

£501 to £600,000 - £1600.00[plus VAT @ 20%= £1920.00]

£601 to £700,000 - £1700.00[plus VAT @ 20% = £2040.00]

£701 to £800,000 - £1800.00[plus VAT @ 20% =£2160.00]

£801 to 900,000 - £1900.00[plus VAT @ 20% = 2280.00]

£901,000 to £1000000 -£2000.00[plus VAT @ 20%= £2400.00]

Over £1,000,000.00

Please call us for an estimate

Residential Re-Mortgage

Our Fees  - Plus Disbursements

Up to £500,000           £1200.00 plus VAT (at 20%)

Up to £750,000           £1,500,00 plus VAT (at 20%)

Up to £1M                       £2000.00 plus VAT (at 20%)

Up to £2M                       £3000.00 plus VAT (at 20%)

Over £2M                     - Please give us a call for a quote

Stages of the process

The precise stages involved in the re-mortgage of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, below we mention below some key stages which are   usually required on a normal re-mortgage:

ID and source of funds checks

Take your instructions and give you initial advice

Go through conditions of mortgage offer with you

Check the title to the property to make sure it meets with your lender’s requirements

Carry out searches

Obtain further planning documentation if required

Send mortgage deed to you for signature

Agree completion date with you 

Obtain redemption figure from existing lender (if any)

Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you

Complete re-mortgage

Redeem existing mortgage (if any)

Deal with application for registration at Land Registry

Provide you and your lender with a copy of the completed registration

We also charge for remitting funds by telegraphic transfer at £17 for each transfer and £30.00 plus VAT (at 20%) per person checked for ID and/or source of funds.

Sale Disbursements

Monies on Account £300.00

Disbursements Rates:

Identity Check (per person) £10.00 [No VAT]

Redemption Fee £90.00 + VAT

Office Copy Entries (per copy) £3.00 [ No VAT]

Bank Transfer Fee (per transfer) £17.00

Management Pack/LPE1- We will be advised of this cost by the Managing Agent/Freeholder. Once we have been informed of the charges, we will advise you.

Purchase Disbursements

Monies on Account £300.00

Disbursements Rate:

Identity Check (per person) £30.00 [plus  Vat @20%]

Bank Transfer Fee (per transfer) £17.00 [No Vat]

Stamp Duty If stamp duty is applicable, you can find more information and a calculator at

Completion of Stamp Duty Form £100.00 + VAT @20% = 120

Land Registry Fee This is dependent on the value of the property. For more information, please visit

Land Registry Searches £3.00 – OS1/2

£2.00 – Bankruptcy Search (per name)

Searches £180.00 (approximately)

Also, there could be other disbursements which are not stated here, however you will be advised accordingly, as we deal with your matter.

Acting for Lender (if applicable ) £200.00 + VAT @20 = £240.00 (approximately)


Conveyancing transactions take between 2 to 3 months depending on the nature of the transaction. Also please note that other factors may cause a delay in the transaction i.e., additional search enquiries, defective title etc.

Kindly find below keys stages of a sale transaction:

Obtaining your initial instructions and providing advice.

Reviewing the legal title of the property.

Negotiating/drafting/advising on contractual documents and in particular any special conditions.

Making/responding to any enquiries about the property.

Addressing issues of joint ownership (if applicable).

Arranging for exchange of contracts and notifying you when exchange has taken place.

Arranging completion and notifying you when completion has taken place.

Receiving/sending/distributing completion monies.

Dealing with the assignment of the lease (unregistered leasehold properties only).

The key stages of a purchase transaction:

Conducting conveyancing searches in relation to the property.

Checking that finances are in place to fund the purchase and corresponding with the lender and or their solicitors (if applicable).

Reporting on the legal title and issuing a certificate of title in the customary form.

Serving a Notice of Transfer on the landlord or its managing agents (leasehold only).

Advising on ‘short’ leases (if applicable).

Explaining the conditions of mortgage offer to you (if applicable).

Completing the SDLT Return on your behalf and submitting it to HMRC if instructed to do so and remitting your funds to HMRC in payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax due (subject to taxation thresholds, only certain transactions attract SDLT).

Applying to register your purchase and any mortgage at Land Registry and responding to any requisitions (where applicable).

Advising on the need for legal indemnity insurance (where applicable).

Overcoming any Land Registry Restrictions to registration of your purchase (where applicable).


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as search fees and land registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.    

Searches. Our usual search package costing £284.04 inc VAT (at 20%) consists of the following searches:

Regulated Local Authority Search

Drainage & Water Search (Thames Water)

Groundsure Homebuyers

Groundsure Planning

Chancel Check

Environmental search

Bankruptcy search £2.90 inc VAT (at 20%) per name.

Land Registry Search £3.90 inc VAT (at 20%) per title.

Stamp Duty Land Tax - this is dependent on the value of the property and whether you own any other property anywhere else in the world. Please go to the following link to ascertain the rates applicable:-

A separate regime exists for property situated in Wales. Please follow the following link for further information.

Land Registration fees - these are dependent on the value of the property being purchased. Please go to the following link for the current fees:-

Electronic Filing Fee – Land Registry Application £6.00 inc VAT (at 20%)

Electronic Filing Fee – Stamp Duty Land Tax £6.00 inc VAT (at 20%)

Additional Legal Services

The above is based on a standard freehold purchase. If you are buying a leasehold property for more than £750,000, we will charge an additional fee of £150.00 plus VAT (at 20%). Additional fees may also apply if you are purchasing a new build property, or purchasing with the assistance of Help-to-Buy or Shared Equity or if there are any aspects of additional legal work to undertake further fees may be payable. We will advise you of any additional fees as soon as we are able.

How long does purchasing a property take?

How long purchase takes from the offer being accepted , and you moving into your house depends on several factors. The average process takes between 6 to 10 weeks. However, it can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a first time buyer, purchasing a new build property with a mortgage in principle, it could take longer depending on the stage reached in the construction of the development.

However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, between 2 and 6 months. Again, this will be dependent on other variable factors of such a transaction. In such, a situation additional charges would apply.

Stages of the process

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, below we mention below some key stages which are usually required on a normal purchase transaction:

ID and source of funds checks

Take your instructions and give you initial advice

Check finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender's solicitors if needed

Receive and advise on contract documents

Carry out searches

Obtain further planning documentation if required

Make any necessary enquiries of seller's solicitor

Give you advice on all documents and information received

Go through conditions of mortgage offer with you

Send final contract to you for signature

Agree completion date (date from which you own the property)

Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened

Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you

Complete purchase

Deal with payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax/Land Transaction Tax

Deal with application for registration at Land Registry

Provide you with a copy of the   completed registration

Leasehold Property

In addition to additional fees for acting on a leasehold purchase there would be further anticipated disbursements* in respect of leasehold property:-

Notice of Transfer fee – usually between £70 to £100 plus VAT (at 20%).

Notice of Charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) - usually between £70 and £100 plus VAT (at 20%).

Deed of Covenant fee – This fee is charged by the management company/landlord for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often it is between £100 and £200 plus VAT (at 20%).

There are other fees that are not anticipated, we will advise you accordingly as they arise.

You should also be aware that ground rent and service charge will apply throughout your ownership of the property. We will confirm the ground rent and the anticipated service charge as soon as we receive this information.

Our Property Solicitors that will handle your matter are: 

Victor Adeniyi Solicitor More than 12 years PQE
Adris Tokhi Solicitor More than 7 years PQE


These costs apply where the claim is in relation to a single, unpaid, business invoice which is not disputed of up to £100,000. Our charges are based on hourly rates, our fee for remitting funds by telegraphic transfer at £17.00 plus VAT for each transfer and £30.00 plus VAT per person checked for ID and/or source of funds, plus disbursements. 

Disbursements are made to third parties arising while providing our services. VAT is charged at the prevailing rate, currently 20%, on our hourly rates and some disbursements. 

There are 2 stages involved in Debt Recovery. We have the Pre-action stage, whereby we send out letter before claim , and also we have Stage 2 whereby we issue a court claim if the matter is not settled following our [pre-action letter].   


This involves sending a pre-action/ Letter of Claim to the debtor requesting payment of the debt, plus interest and other charges (if applicable). The timescale (provided the debtor pays promptly) is likely to be in the region of 2 – 3 weeks from our receipt of your instructions to receipt of payment. The likely fee for Stage 1 is £1,000 to £1,500 plus VAT (at 20%) and disbursements.

The work we do for Stage 1 includes:

All steps up to and including taking your instructions and reviewing documents.

Basic investigation/confirmation of the correct identity and address of the debtor.

Sending a Pre-Action Letter.

Receiving payment (or any other response) and forwarding same to you.


Following a Pre – Action / Letter of Claim,  and if payment is not made, the next stage is to initiate court proceedings against the debtor. The debtor has set time limits to respond to the claim and, if they fail do so, a request can be made for Judgment to be entered against the debtor in default. The timescale for initiating a claim up to the point of obtaining default judgment will depend largely on the speed in which the court processes the claim and any request for Judgment. Usually this process will be in the region of 6-8 weeks from our receipt of your instructions to start the claim. Once default Judgment is obtained, sending a letter to the debtor requesting payment to avoid enforcement action. The likely fee for Stage 2 is £1200 to £1800 plus VAT (at 20%) and disbursements. The table below sets out the appropriate fee payable to the court.

Also note that if we instruct Barristers on your behalf, you will have to pay the Barristers fees plus VAT. We do not know how much the Barristers will charge, but we will get an estimate from the Barristers, and advise you accordingly. Barristers fees are third party fees which you have to pay us, and we will also make payment to Barristers on your behalf, if it becomes necessary.

Barrister’s fees depend on the seniority of the Barristers , and how complex the case. Most disbursements attract VAT.   

Value of your Claim Court Issue Fee (No VAT chargeable)

Up to £300                                                       £35

£300.01 to £500                                           £50

£500.01 to £1,000                                       £70

£1,000.01 to £1,500                                   £80

£1,500.01 to £3,000                                   £115

£3,000.01 to £5,000                                   £205

£5,000.01 to £10,000                               £455

£10,000.01 to £200,000                         5% of the value of the Claim

More than £200,000                                 £10,000

Court issue fees are correct at the time of publishing this note but are subject to change. Please go to the following link to ascertain the current court issue fee applicable:

Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that:

The VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor if you are already registered for VAT.

Interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding, with a higher cost.

The costs indicated above are not for matters where enforcement action, such as bailiffs, is needed to collect your debt.

Costs you incur may exceed the costs, if any, awarded in your favour. You may not be able to recover any costs from the debtor.

The work to be done for Stage 2 includes:

Taking your instructions and reviewing documentation.

Basic investigation/confirmation of the correct identity and address of the debtor.

Drafting court papers, sending them to court for issuing, arranging for service of the papers on the debtor (if applicable), all in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules.

Where no Acknowledgment of Service, or Defence, is received within the relevant time limits, then applying to the Court to enter Judgment in default.

When Default Judgment is obtained, writing one letter to the debtor explaining that unless payment is made, enforcement action will follow.

Keeping you updated throughout.

Receiving payment (or any other response) and sending on to you.

If payment is not received within 1 – 2 weeks after the post-judgment letter, then giving you basic advice on the available next steps and the likely costs involved.


The above fee estimates for Stages 1 and 2 exclude any other steps, or work, not mentioned above. For example, they do not include:

Any enforcement action that may be needed where a judgment is obtained but the debtor still does not pay, i.e. even after Stage 2 is exhausted. This might involve instructing the Court Bailiff or a range of other possible enforcement options.

Any additional work required because the debt is not straightforward or involves complex issues.


If the debt is not straightforward, or involves issues making it more complex, our fees will be higher than the above estimates. We will identify them at the outset where possible although they may not be apparent until some point during the above processes. In these cases, we will discuss any further work required and provide you with a revised estimate of fees as necessary. These additional costs will be based on our hourly rates.

Examples of issues where the debt is not straightforward or involves more complexity, include:

There are extensive documents relating to the debt, for example, a large contract that has to be considered, or the paperwork/information you provide to us is incomplete, unclear or not in order.

Difficulties identifying or locating the correct debtor.

The debtor responds to the Pre-Action / Letter of Claim raising unforeseen issues, which require further investigation and/or advice and/or further pre-action correspondence.

The debtor asks for time to pay and/or we are required to negotiate a payment plan.

The debtor disputes the debt for any reason or makes a counterclaim.

The debtor does not follow the correct process or protocol.

Procedural issues arise which require additional investigation, communications or an application to the court.

There are any insolvency issues, for example, we must investigate and/or advise you on the debtor’s ability to pay.

Any limitation (legal time limit) issues.

There is a foreign element, for example, the debtor is based abroad, or the debt is based on a contract governed by a different country’s law or jurisdiction.




Immigration Fees Information

The Solicitors Regulation Authority requires firms providing immigration advice to publish their fees for the different types of application on their website.  We charge fixed fees for most of our immigration and asylum work. You will be kept informed as per the progress of your work. We have a good immigration law department , and we offer a very good and professional service. Our charges are competitive. We are also able to discuss our fees at the outset of your case/matter.


Some applications come under priority service, and these are usually determined within 24-48 hours. In other applications , it is difficult to give timescales, sometimes it depends on the complexity of the case, and how busy the Home Office is. However, give or take most applications are determined within 12 months. It is in only exceptional situations that applications are decided outside 12 months.


The following procedures start, once we receive your instructions:

  1. We take full instructions and advising you on the best possible ways to deal with your matter.
  2. We will provide you with good professional advice.
  3. We will go through all documents you provide us and advise you accordingly.
  4. We will draft representation and complete all necessary forms pertaining to your matter.
  5. We will attend Home Office interviews with you .
  6. We will attend immigration Tribunals with you, if the outcome of your applications results in appeal.
  7. We will assist you with all appeal process. 
  8. We will advice you on the outcome of your application/matter. 


Our Initial Consultation fee - £120.00 plus VAT @20%

Our fixed fees for the following immigration applications are as follow:

Average Cost – Fixed fees

Naturalisation or Registration Applications   -    £1500 plus VAT @ 20% = £1800

EEA Applications -                                             £1250 plus VAT @20% = £1500

Judicial Review Applications -                            £2500plus VAT @20% = £3000

Immigration Bail Application-                              £1000 plus VAT @ 20% = £1200

Immigration Appeal Matter-                                £2500 plus VAT @ 20% = £3000

Points Based Student Applications -                  £2500 plus VAT @ 20% = £3000

Business Applications [Points Based]-               £3000 plus VAT @ 20%£ = £3600

Visitors Visas-                                                    £1000 plus VAT @20% = £1200

Family Re-Union Applications-                          £2500 plus VAT @20% = £3000

Spouse and Partner Applications -                    £2500 plus VAT @20”0% = £3000

Other Applications outside the above-              from £1000 – £5000 plus VAT @20%

Disbursements / Home Office Fees

In addition to our professional fees, you are likely to incur disbursements which you will have to pay separately. Most of the Home Office Applications attract Home Office Fees. Example of Home Office disbursements/fees are as follows:

Premium appointment booking.

Immigration Heath Surcharge.

Home Office Application fees.

Please note that these fees change every year. The fees increase every year. Also note that we will check the current fees payable at the point of lodging your application with the Home Office.

Also note that if your matter goes to court by way of appeal, you will also incur disbursements e:g counsel fees, court fees, expert fees as applicable. You may also incur interpreter fees, if you cannot speak English. The interpreters’ fees range between £25:00 per hour to £50:00 per hour.   It is difficult to advise you how much the fees will be until we obtain a quote from the relevant Counsel / Experts on your matter.  However, for Counsel hearing fees, it could range from £1500:00 to £3000:00 depending on the seniority of the Counsel. 


There are situations whereby your matter is complex i:e your matter does not fall within the immigration rules .

Or you have a very poor immigration history that requires the expertise of a very well experienced immigration Solicitor. In that situation you may have to pay more than our set fixed fees – but you will be advised accordingly before we take on your matter. 


As advised above, most home office applications are decided within 12 months. It is in exceptional cases that decision are over 12 months. Also note that premium application  attracts a fee and is decided within 24-48 hours.



The above fees are meant to be a guide only.

If you wish to instruct us in respect to an application, please call us on 02034413359 or email